Well. I've completely abandoned my original intent of posting 'retro' pictures, for now at least. I've enough newer items that it might be worth looking at them rather than putting up stuff that, at best, is a throwback to the days when I drew almost every day.
I did this... oh, about a week ago. The original pencil work, at least. I know, it's another Daredevil drawing, how original. But, there's a reasonably good reason for it. I was sitting at the drawing table, and I was completely without ideas. Like normal. I wanted to draw, but no ideas were coming to me. So, I thought about what Joey has repeatedly told me: look back at the old drawings and draw them again, using what I've learned (assuming I've learned) since then. Since I'd posted so many DD drawings in the recent past, I thought maybe I'd take a look at those and try my hand at them.
I was originally looking at the one I posted with him doing a handstand on the corner of a building- I would redo that, with some hopefully better results. It only took a minute for me to realize that wouldn't work. I couldn't figure out how or why he would be in such a position if he were leaping off a building (yeah really- realism in a blind guy jumping off a building to fight crime. Don't judge me too harshly), so I took another thought at the idea of him leaping off a building, and arrived at Parkour, of course. Parkour, to sum up (no wait, there is too much) is basically a method of moving from one place to another in the coolest means possible. Check out the opening sequence of Casino Royale or the entirety of District B-13.
Scouring the internet for some good inspiration, I found this nice one of a guy backflipping off a building. Seemed like something DD would do, so I took a stab at it. I was going for that more loosey-goosey style I came up with last time, but just couldn't do it- DD decided to stay a traditional-looking hero. I kind of dug the picture, but realized it was just too close, physically, to the real-world inspiration (for clarity's sake, please note that the DD picture was drawn completely freehand; I used photo reference the same way most artists do- for inspiration). And so it sat on the desk.
Until today. I scanned in a few things and decided I was going to go to town in Photoshop on one of them, or draw something completely from scratch in PS. I came across this one and realized I could do some of both in this one. Two hours later, and it was all done. It's basically all layers above and below the original pencil drawing, with some effects thrown in. And then, once I was done, I realized I forgot to turn DD a bit for a more dynamic pose. So, a bit more thinking and tinkering, and here you go.
Speaking of layers, I realized partway through that I'd shaded/colored enough of the picture that it looked pretty okay without the pencils (I did this to a lesser extent on the Christmas picture as well), so I've posted the 'original' picture without the pencils (check out the tilt of DD's body).
Okay. There you go. Time for me to go eat dinner. Plus, it's so cold in here I can't feel my fingers. Thanks for visit, and please stop back again.
Music: "I and Love and You"- the Avett Brothers