Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prometheus Unchained

Frankenstein's Monster.

This one was REALLY sketchy, as you can tell. Again, from the 'loosey-goosey' sessions. I can draw pretty cartoony faces and heads, without a ton of problems, but when it comes to the bodies, I almost always end up drawing in the super-hero fashion- exaggerated, but realistically exaggerated. So this was an attempt to somewhat merge those two habits of mine; ultimately, I'd like to find a sketchy, cartoony, kinda realistic-looking style. I'm actually pretty pleased with how this came out- there's way too many lines in it for any kind of 'serious' drawing, but I liked where it went with stretching out the body's dimensions somewhat. I think it helps contribute to the distortions and imperfections of the Creature. I like the roughness of it, as well- since my natural style, such as it is, really tends towards lots of short, sharp lines (or 'scribbling', as it's also known).

Frankenstein (technically Frankenstein's Monster) is arguably the most recognized Monster in the world. Books have been written solely about his cultural impact on the global villagers. He's seen everywhere, from movies to cereal to insurance to god-only-knows-what. Everyone knows him. I find it funny that so many people feel like they know his story, yet so few people have read the novel, or even watched the movie (worlds apart, but both fantastic in their own ways). But, such is the power of pop culture that his story is so well known, folks feel like they've already seen it or read it. Too bad they mostly remember the Strickfadden generators and the shambling, arms-outstretched walk, rather than the cautionary tale it really was. Especially as it's becoming more and more relevant, almost 200 years after it was written.

Not saying you should go out and read it (definitely not for everyone, but still an easier read than Dracula for most), but it doesn't hurt to know the deeper themes behind the story- and those themes, even though seen through a Hollywood filter, shine through in the movies. (If you're only going to watch one, watch Bride of Frankenstein- it's the better of the original two).

Not sure what's coming up next- maybe something I'm working on now, or maybe something completely different.

See you Wednesday.

Music: "Frankenstein" - Edgar Winter

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